Constructing the project
Over the Czarna Przemsza river we constructed 66-meter long, two-lane road bridge using beam and slab technology and seating the facility on large-diameter piles. Another bridge facility, viaduct over state road No 1 is 77 m long and was realized on the basis of pretension prestressed concrete beams. The by-pass of Siewierz is connected with state road No 1 by means of a double-layer interchange with eight connecting roads. We realized construction works over state road No 1 without affecting vehicular traffic in both directions, which allowed for decreasing inconveniences for drivers. Despite large scope of works and their complexity, we managed to complete the works two months before the deadline.
The by-pass improved living conditions of the inhabitants of Siewierz and increased road traffic safety. The new road connection relieved the town centre from traffic congestion and other inconveniences related to heavy vehicular traffic.
The project in figures
- GP 2/2 road category - major road
- 6 viaducts
- 2 bridge facilities