
Rebuilding of the streets Podwale Grodzkie - Waly Jagiellonskie in Gdansk, section Waly Piastowskie

Constructing the project

The project included rebuilding of the streets in the track of state road No. 1, on the overall length of 800 meters including crossings with side roads by means of replacement of the existing structure of both road lanes. The scope of works realized within this contract included widening of entry ramps on the crossing of the streets Wały Piastowskie and Hucisko by adding separate left-turn lanes and construction of a separate bus lane. Sidewalks, tram and bus stops, bus and parking bays have also been modernised and new bicycle paths have been built on both sides of the road. Tramway tracks on an overall section of 1,8 km in length and two engineering objects: tunel for the pedestrians under the roads and the railway near the railway station and the street-tramway bridge on the Radunia Channel have been renovated. The contract also covered realization of the underground and surface development, storm and rain water sewerage systems, sanitary sewerage system together with water supply, telecomunication and gas networks, electroenergetic collisions, tramway traction, and traffic lights.

Last updated: 8/16/2017

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