
CEE Investment Report 2017

Discussions on whether, not if, specific countries of the region will be classified as highly developed countries are held in the context of Central and Eastern Europe. Investors notice historical economic changes that occur in that part of Europe and they are increasingly eager to direct their capital over there.


The biggest drivers and beneficiaries, at the same time, of such growth are: Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. They constitute the basis for the analysis included in CEE Investment Report 2017: From Phenomenon to Fundamentals. The following thesis has also been established in the context of these 5 countries - what was regarded as a kind of a phenomenon several years ago, today has become the fundamental of the development of the economies of Central and Eastern Europe.

The modern business services sector and office market deserve special attention. They are one of the indicators of the investment attractiveness of the region. Countries such as Poland or Romania would not have been a hub for shared service centres for the biggest global enterprises, if it were not for their economic stability, significant improvement of business conditions, huge human potential and capital or intensive development of the offer of modern offices. Today, the total office space in Central and Eastern Europe exceeds 22 mln square metres, and the market is growing along with the investors rapidly — by a million square metres each year on average. What else should also be noted? And was the thesis concerning shifting from the economic phenomenon to the fundamental established validly?

The authors of the Report will provide an answer to this question, presenting Central and European Europe from numerous perspectives: investment, legal, rating as well as real estate and modern business services-related. This constitutes the strength and a value for the investors interested in the development in this part of the world.


*The Report has been developed on the basis of Skanska, JLL and Dentons analyses and with the support of ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland) and Fith Ratings.

Last updated: 1/5/2018