Green2Day - a modern office building with future-proof architecture - has been very much appreciated by tenants including KPMG, Ultimo, Tieto, Natek and Enel-Med. The Business Link, the coworking network, is also establishing a branch in the building. Green2Day has 18,000 sqm of leasable space.
Because of its architecture and functionality, Green2Day was the only office building to receive an award in the “Piękny Wroclaw” (eng. Beautiful Wroclaw) competition. The Skanska project has also received the "Lider Dostępności" (eng. Accessibility Leader) award from the President of the Republic of Poland, as one of the most accessible objects in the country. This accessibility is also underpinned by the fact that it is Skanska's first commercial building in Wroclaw, to receive the "Building without Barriers" certificate. The certificate confirms that the building and its surroundings are accessible to older people, disabled people, parents with small children and foreigners.
The atmosphere of the building could be felt during the opening ceremony. Employees enthusiastically took advantage of the eco-education and DIY workshop, where they could, with the advice of the authors of "Projekt Rośliny" (eng. Project Plants), plant selected flowers and other plants, as well as having the opportunity to create flower beds. Instead of the traditional ribbon cutting, an installation with the inscription "Green2Day" was unveiled.
- Green2Day is a reflection of our philosophy of sustainable construction. Together with the neighboring Green Day, the two buildings form a cohesive unity. While preparing the concept for the second office building, we already knew that we wanted to build a cohesive and recognizable part of Wroclaw in this location - says Mariusz Krzak, regional director at Skanska office unit in Poland.
- The key word of this project is „edifice" as the project's impact stems from its location. The project is in close proximity to Wroclaw's oldest district, Ostrow Tumski. So in a sense, Wroclaw's past and future „stand shoulder to shoulder" with each other. In principle, the key decisions for the Green2Day project were made, with its older counterpart, Green Day, in mind. It was important that the project had a sense of durability, seriousness, quality, and a building that would be future-proof. The shape of the building itself differs slightly from its predecessor in geometry and composition. The design and construction of this office will breathe new life into this area of Wroclaw. - says Zbigniew Maćków from Maćków Pracownia Projektowa.
The office building was sold in 2018 to the Niam fund, which represents the fund's first investment in the city.
Wroclaw was the first Polish market, outside Warsaw, which Skanska office unit in Poland started investing in. The company's first project, the Grunwaldzki Center, was opened in 2009. This project was followed by Green Towers (2012), Green Day (2014) and Dominikański (2016). Currently, Skanska is building office projects in Nowy Targ on St. Katarzyny street and Centrum Południe on Powstańców Śląskich street.
Green2Day – key facts and figures:
- Total leasable area: 18,000 sqm GLA
- 232 parking spaces
- The building has seven floors above ground, and two below
- LEED Platinum Certification
- Skanska S.A. is the general contractor of the building.
- Green2Day's architect is Maćków Pracownia Projektowa